Vlado G. Repnik: EVERGREEN

September 22, 2009 8:00 pm September 23, 2009 8:00 pm

»Easily lost in the comfort of community, entertainment radicals ensure the provision of raw materials to the present cynical need for utopias. This is why everything appears so homely. An arena of terror and tourism as we see it today produces a greater need for minimal diplomacy of intensity than for shedding light on great matters of essence and significant places of action. This is no time for dramatic interventions, but for subtle operations and sensual dynamics, where the establishment of fluid relationships between the big and the small allows for performative movement, manifesting itself in the imperative of the contemporary era – empathy.« (Vlado G. Repnik)

Authors and performers: Boris Mihalj, Vlado G. Repnik, Martina Ruhsam, Igor Štromajer, Toshihiro Yonezu, Veronika Zott idr.
Production: GVR Zavod, Bunker, Festival EX PONTO