Hermann Fritzl, Hubsi Kramar: PENSION F.

September 18, 2009 8:00 pm September 19, 2009 8:00 pm

Josef Fritzl held his daughter captive for 24 years, repeatedly raping her in a soundproof, windowless dungeon he built beneath their home in the Austrian town of Amstetten. He fathered seven children with her. He was imprisoned in 2008 on charges of murder, rape incest, false imprisonment and enslavement. The performance Pension F. is a satire about the hypocrisy of the media and their scandal stories about cases like Josef F. in which the victims are “raped” and abused a second time as long as their stories sell.

Idea: Hermann Fritzl
Direction: Hubsi Kramar
Actors: Lucy Mc Evil, Hubsi Kramar, Heidi Gross, Bernd Charabara, Renate Danninger, Gerhard Helmi Eichberger, Rainer Fussgänger, Klaus Hundsbichler, Julia Karnel, Hannes Lengauer, Felix Lenz, Peter Matejka, Eva Schuster, Christian Strasser, Iris Maria Stromberger, Sidy Wane, Mathias Wiltsche
Costume design: Hanna Hollmann
Light and sound design: Ali Holy
Technical support: Digital Technik
Video: Peter Hirsch, Clemens Hollmann
Production: Theater Showinisten/3raum-anatomietheater
Producer: Alexandra Reisinger