Maja Pelević, Betontanc: MOŽDA SMO MI MIKI MAUS

November 23, 2010 8:00 pm November 24, 2010 8:00 pm


Author of the drama Maja Pelević saw the Mickey Mouse-shaped ears in a form of a graphite in Belgrade, whereas the director picked up the specific Belgrade music scene groove and introduced it to the performance.

A song entitled An ordinary man by the band Repetitor thus came to form a part of the performance:

He rarely goes out and about,
not all that crazy about the people around,
who feel towards him something quite similar,
which is, of course, the easy way out.
Not one foreign language can he speak,
even his native one seems rather weak,
sometimes he fastens and himself he crosses,
and heads off to church when things get rough.
He follows all news and daily newspapers,
in one man only he trusts,
radio shows are his life interest,
he calls in to avoid feeling left out.
He likes to buy daily newspapers,
the cheaper the better he says
finds joy in crime section headlines,
horrified in disbelief he stares.
He’s not into foreign media,
smells their lies and deceit,
their contempt for youth and traitors,
through and through them he sees.
From foreign music he turns away,
lesbians he likes, unlike men known as gay,
in denial of any war defeat,
he loves to fight hard and to have a sip.
An ordinary man,
the smartest of them all it would seem,
an ordinary man,
no one gets to touch him.

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