Exchange of Experiences

We believe that one of the better ways of exchanging knowledge is through the ex-change of our concrete experiences and examples of practices. That is why we plan the presentation of artistic experiences and we will be illuminating them from dif-ferent perspectives:

  • How are these experiences opening new forms of relations and interrelations be-tween people?
  • How are they implementing new processes of constructions / deconstructions in the artistic projects?
  • How can they be transferred or, even better, how can they be pollinated?

We will be exchanging examples of good practices around 6 topics:

  • Nomadic Practices
    Projects that are fluent, in movement and adjusting to their environment.
    They are speaking to us about openness, connection and adaptation.
  • Art in Context
    Projects taking into consideration local cultural contexts.
    They are recomposing the interconnections between territories and democracy.
  • Ephemeral Practices
    Projects dedicated to a particular location or to a specific moment.
    They are speaking to us about here and now.
  • Self-management, Co-management and Co-organization (New Collectivism)
    Projects searching for exchange and for cooperation.
    They are speaking to us about community and about working together.
  • Spaces in between
    Projects dedicated to the forgotten spaces and places that have to be explored.
    They are speaking to us about the risks that we have to take, about the necessary steps beyond we have to make.
  • Utopia and Poetry
    Projects trying to find new paths.
    They are speaking to us about the imaginary, about innovation.

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