EKG (EnKnapGroup)

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April 9, 2009 8:00 pm April 10, 2009 8:00 pm April 11, 2009 8:00 pm

Claudia de Serpa Soares: RAW

What do we look like in our natural, raw form? What unites and what separates us? Claudia de Serpa Soares and the members of the EnKnapGroup look for the answers. Creativity is woven around emptiness, where every gesture and every movement trigger a change. These changes are paths leading on to others, they are a way of connecting, a road to community.
For many years, Claudia de Serpa Soares was a member of the Sasha Waltz Group and of the Berlin theatre ensemble Schaubühne. In recent years, she is an independent dancer and choreographer.

Choreography: Claudia de Serpa Soares
Creators and performers: EnKnapGroup (Gyula Cserepes, Luke Dunne, Katja Legin, Lada Petrovski, Ana Štefanec), Kaja Janjić
Music: Boštjan Gombač
Set design: Samo
Light design: Jaka Šimenc
Executive producer: Marjeta Lavrič
Production: Zavod EN-KNAP

Bojan Jablanovec: CUT OUT

One of Via Negativa’s creative principles is the reduction of the theatre down to the relationship between the spectator and the performer, in real time and space. If a theatre performance wants to check and question what is (or is not) the essence of this relationship, its creator has to give clear answers to the following questions: What message do I want to send? Is my message worth being transformed into a performance? Is that what is shown and delivered on the stage, that what I want to show? In this case, a methodical, auto-negation can become one of the ways to make sense of a theatrical situation.

Concept: Bojan Jablanovec with assistance of Katarina Stegnar
Directed by: Bojan Jablanovec
Creators and performers: EnKnapGroup (Gyula Cserepes, Luke Dunne, Katja Legin, Lada Petrovski, Ana Štefanec), Kaja Janjić
Executive producer: Marjeta Lavrič
Production: Zavod EN-KNAP