Panel Discussion B - HAPPY TOGETHER?
Communities, Scenes, Circles, Networks, and Other Models of Cooperation and Friendship from the 1960s until Today

May 16 from 10.30 am to 12.30 am
Ministrstvo za kulturo


As Panel Discussion A on Strategies and Tactics attempted to establish a historical perspective on modes of production in recent decades, focusing on the institutional level, this panel will attempt to establish a perspective on informal modes of collaboration and artistic connection in contemporary art in the same period, focusing more on connections between artists on an individual level. What is the cultural, political, and personal impact of communities, circles, scenes, networks in certain historical and political contexts? What is the status of cooperation in the conditions of neo-liberal societies today? Why do we talk about networks and why has the concept of the local cultural landscape nearly disappeared?



We reserve the right to possible programme alterations.