Borders of Artistic Expression in Neo-Liberal Societies

May 17 from 10.30 am to 12.30 am
Ministrstvo za kulturo, Conference Room


This panel will discuss questions about the relationship of art to law, and the status of art in other public spheres, especially politics, media, and education. How do politics and legislation interfere in the field of art and where are the borders at which these spheres collide? There are certain restrictions on artistic freedom because of legislation or censorship. We see the repositioning of art and the shift of political engagement resulting from the reduction of public debate in other spheres (media and education). Laws control the distribution and dissemination of art through royalties and copy rights. Are the most important questions raised by artists being communicated through festivals and exhibitions? Or is even this space of communication shrinking due to stricter legislation?



We reserve the right to possible programme alterations.