Eclipse: MONSTRUM NOSTRUM (Slovenia)

August 24, 2019 10:00 pm

exhibition with an opening performance

The exhibition will be open until August 31st in time of performances in the Old Power Station.

Performing duo Eclipse has been quiet and hibernating for a while. Their new performance, with the premiere staging at this year’s Mladi levi festival, will mark the 20th anniversary of their collaboration. Eclipse consists of two visual artists: Tina Kolenik recently published the book Koža kot kostumSkin as a Costume«), which is a theoretical derivative of her costume design work, and last August, she has been exhibiting her series of self‑portraits with watermelons. Samira Kentrić is a designer, illustrator and author of two visual novels: Pisma AdniLetters to Adna«) and BalkanalijeBalkanalia«). In their common performative career, they decided to stage the images. They create images which capture our attention and make us – sometimes with the subversion of pornographic imagery – reflect and take sides: to find, in today’s world bombarded by images, one that sticks out from others and provokes us.

In Monstrum Nostrum, they remain committed to the medium of body, 20 years after their performance Zajtrk na traviBreakfast on Grass«), shifting focus from the questions of kitsch, art, porn art, to the issue of otherness and initiation into the dominant, the correct, the ours. They will perform an initiation rite of cleansing, transferring to the civilized: a baptism. Who are the others of today, who is being washed by water before they can come over to our side, who are the monsters? Monstrum nostrum, mare nostrum, mare monstrum …

Authors: Eclipse
Director of photography: Dejan Ulaga
Assistants: Gaja Mödendorfer, Iris Kovačič
Montage: Žan Žvižej
Author of soundscape: Darja Hlavka Godina
Vocals: Shreya

30 minutes

Foto: Dejan Ulaga

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