12. festival KLOVNBUF

June 15–24 2019

It is the 12h edition of Klovnbuf, international festival of new circus and contemporary clown shows that brings tears of emotion and laughter, revealing hidden talents and subverting common beliefs


SUNDAY, 16th June at  6 p.m.

Mismo Nismo: NOise Cirkus


SUNDAY, 16th June at 8 p.m.

Danijela Zajc: THREA_S

at 21.00 a talk follows about the performances NOise Circus and Threa_s


TUESDAY, 18th June at 8 p.m.

Michael Zandl: JANUS

at 21.00 a talk follows about the
Dramaturgy in contemporary circus


WEDNESDAY, 19th June 8 p.m.



FRIDAY, 21st June 8 p.m.

Branko Potočan & duo Silence: BLACK FRIDAY


SATURDAY, 22nd June at 8 p.m.

Defracto: FLAQUE


Tickets: 7 EUR, 5 EUR (students, seniors, self‑employed), 24 EUR (all shows package)

More about the program: www.klovnbuf.si
Photo: Michael Zandl