Three Versions of Space, 2019

May 22, 2019 8:00 pm May 23, 2019 8:00 pm

Three Versions of Space (Tina Valentan, Maja Kalafatić, Polona Maher, Barbara Novakovič) is the last performance of the dance trilogy The Dynamics of Space, featuring duets of choreographers and visual artist, and represents a continuation of the study of performances Dynamics of Liminal Space (2017; Maja Kalafatić, Venelin Shurelov) and Pivot Point (2018; Tina Valentan-Polona Maher). The performance is based on a study of spatial dynamics, with an emphasis on the phenomenon of fluctuations in art. Three Versions of Space combines choreography with a reflection of a visual artist in theatre, and is based on the motifs from the play Three Versions of Life (Trois versions de la vie, 2000) by French writer Yasmine Reza.

Choreography and concept: Tina Valentan, Maja Kalafatić
Creators and performers: Maja Kalafatić, Nina Pertot Weis, Tina Valentan
Set design: Polona Maher
Video: Valerie Wolf Gang
Dramaturgy: Barbara Novakovič
Lighting design: Janko Oven
Sound design: Gal Škrjanec Skaberne
Photo: Nada Žgank (from performance Pivot Point)

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Information and ticket reservation:, 051 269 906