Andreja Podrzavnik: WHAT REMAINS

October 21, 2018 8:00 pm

After several gallery performances, Andreja Podrzavnik and her co‑creators are returning to the theatre black box. They started last year with public presentation entitled Nastajanje (Formation) performing compositions of various lengths and modulating them as moving images in the span of three hours. After seeing the performance, Alja Lobnik wrote: »I entered this heterotopian space, which broke away from the daily madness. Just so, for a brake. It warped time and sharpened its senses.«

This time, they enter into a performance in this same space, a performance that is realized in the poetics of situations. The latter are being created by the co‑authors through movement, sound, light, and poetry. They are creating parallel space that form harmonies, which in turn resound into potential narrations. What remains is the title of this performance.

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Reservation and information:, 00386 51 269 906

Foto: Nada Žgank