ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

Projects : STAMP
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Post stamp issued
for WRTC 2000

In the year 2000 Slovenian radio amateurs were celebrateing the 50th anniversary of the official beginning of organised amateur radio in Slovenia. Being worldwide noted for their outstanding results, they were entrusted with the organisation of the 3rd World Radiosport Team Championship. Competitions provide an excellent opportunity to test the abilities of a man - amateur radio operator and technology - radio equipment, which is also symbolically presented on the stamp.

Detailed data about post stamp:

Title: Radio Amateurs
Item number: 303
Date of issue: 09.05.2000
First day of issue postmark: 1101 Ljubljana 
Motif: Radio Device 
Ilustration: Peter Skalar 
Design: Peter Skalar
Printer: DELO - TISKARNA d.d., Ljubljana 
Realization: Pola (25)
Perforation: comb
Size: 40,32*28,80 (mm)
Paper: Chancellor oba free L.S.PVA GMD 102g, gummed
Face value: 20 SIT
Print quantity: 70000 
More about motif: 
Amateur radio operators (hams) are people interested in radio communications, 
whose hobby consists of using special radio equipment (radio stations) to talk 
to other people with the same hobby. They can establish communications worldwide 
24 hours a day and are always prepared to provide valuable voluntary assistance 
should the need occur, already proven during all major natural disasters. Amateur 
radio operators are also active in the research of properties of radio wave 
propagation and the use of different techniques for the transmission of signals. 
Envelope with first day of issue postmark.

             Design by Bajko (c)2002