Super Vozelj - How to use it?
This text was send to ALL@AAP some time ago, but because it is essential
for any foreign DXer to operate in Slovenian network, it was send to
MAPS @ EU in January 94.
Hello friends !
Most of Slovenian nodes have been changed from TheNet to SuperVozelj.
With S55YKO showing up in Flexnet tables, a lot of HAMs need some information
about what it is and how to use it.
Most of the other S5 TheNET nodes were installed during 1993 and 1994.
Supervozelj is developed by Matjaz, S53MV. There is too much trouble
with 10 MHz TNC-2 running medium-speed packet (19200 and 38400), and no
cheap solution is available. The situation is even worse on planned high-speed
links. SV, as it is today, is a step towards the future S5 packet network.
SuperVozelj nodes are home made 68010 computers with three SCC chips,
giving 6 channels. Each node has remote HW reset, and SW can be uploaded
over the air. Software is written in 68k ASM. Current version 69
is some 16 kbytes long. Most of work is focused on AX.25 drivers,
memory management, stable structure, and routing is similar to
KA node or SP, just to give functionality to the users. It keeps track of
activity, so most stations can be connected simply by C CALL from
any node. Several nodes have TheNET node attached to free port, and
they can be used as well: this is for compatibility with existing TheNET
nodes. Some BBSes are connected directly to SV node using KISS protocol.
AX.25 level2 is implemented. Maxframe is a dynamic variable, changing down
with every EXed REJ or retry, and is incriesed for every RRed frame.
Sources and docs in Slovene are available on S5 BBSes.
Check data about nodes LJU:S55YLJ
and KUM:S55YKU.
When a user is connected to Supervozelj, there are several
commands available. Only the first letter is significant, others are ignored.
So, C, CALL, CW, COCACOLA are all the same. Only ONE command is allowed
per AX.25 frame.
There are 6 ports on every node. Generally, port 1 is the 23cm backbone
and port 6 is used for the 1200 bps user channel, but this is not an exact rule.
Changes to the SuperVozelj node, version 75/75a/75b.
There were several changes since SVV v69. Here is short translation of the
SuperVozelj is now 8 channel packet radio node with MC68010 CPU, 4 *
Z8530 SCC and MC68450 DMA. Two channels (7 and 8) are intend to use DMA
card for fast, 1.2288 Mbps links.
Short help about commands (v75)
lists automatic calling data, with fixed links.
Other links are under V command.
It's format is:
means: if C DXCLUS command is received, it transforms
it in sequence of C LJU and then C DXCLUS. If
the calls are the same then only one command
is send, with ! used to override SSID changing.
has several forms:
calls HAMCALL on all available ports, link is established
when first port receives UA. If HAMCALL is listed in Avtomat
list, then the command from this list is executed and original
C HAMCALL is passed. Thus, ax.25 link is established for every
hop. If the call is in Users or Grep lists, then this route is
taken. So, whoever is connected to this node, can be
followed simply by C CALL command.
C portnr HAMCALL
calls HAMCALL on specified port, ports are numbered 1 to 6.
This can be used to override automatic procedure.
C portnr HAMCALL DIGIn ... DIGI1
same, with level 2 digipeater list. Calls are listed in
REVERSE order.
Warning ! SV plays some jokes with SSID, so sometimes
it is good to type C S52D-0 and override automatic selected
SSID. If you do not want your SSID to be changed randomly, you
can include -SSID in the digi list, for example -5 means
MYCALL will have SSID 5 on outgoing link.
To avoid duplicate links with both calls same, SV node can be
called both by CALL or IDENT, using any SSID. Outgoing SSID is
changed. Normally it is incremented, but other algorithm is
used also. Generally, SV node changes SSID on the outgoing
link. You can force your OWN SSID by putting -SSID (say, -0)
in the digi list.
CALL-12 to CALL-15 are used by BBSes, because this disables
the reconnect function.
gives date and time (GMT).
looks (Grep) at the log. G alone give a list of stations who
used this node in past. G portnr gives a list for this port.
G call
lists all entries for the call. An asterix can be used to
search, so for example G 1 I* lists all italian stations
using port 1. G list is simmilar to Users list, giving the
total number of connects instead of current Maxframe parameter.
It's format is: [channel][mark][call]
[channel] is SuperVozelj channel
[mark] can be : (direct connect to the SuperVozelj)
* (connect with 'via digis' command)
> (connect from other SuperVozelj)
[call] ham call
gives HELP on a particular SV node, mostly in the English language.
gives INFO text on the particular SV node.
gives NEWS text.
Response time for each neighbor SuperVozelj node.
lists hears UI beacons, this is used to monitor link quality
in this version of SW. Format is port number, call, minutes
since last heard, times heard since last restart. Only UI
frames with NO digis are taken into account.
*** Seznam poslusanih postaj (minute,stevilo) ***
6: OE6XWR (1,87)
5: S50FBB (17,255)
4: S55YKU-12 (22,104)
4: S55YZA (39,84)
6: OE8ADK (371,4)
This commands quits link with SuperVozelj.
gives some statistics, about how many minutes is SV qrv, how
many times the main SW loop is executed in the last second,
and how many incoming/outgoing links were made since the last
restart of software.
Sends a line of text to destination(s). Example:
S S53FK this is sent to S53FK
S OE* this is send to all OE stns in command mode.
S * this goes to all stations.
lists users of SV node. Format is: U or U portnr
Same for uplink and downlink connection:
port : current maxframe call digis NODE call used
Number of frames waiting for both links is shown inbetween.
*** 3 uporabnikov KOR:S55YKO *** 654 prostih blokov spomina ***
6:1 OE6KUD KOR 43/76080 <3!0> 6:2 OE3XBS OE6XWR OE6KUD-1 76696/27
6:3 S59U S55YKO 99/799 <0!0> 4:5 S55YUH-12 S55YKU-12 S59U-1 592/99
4:2 S53MV-3 S55YKU-12 KOR-2 52/6578 <0!0> Upravlja KOR:S55YKO
There are 3 users (links), and 654 free blocks of memory.
OE6KUD is connected to KOR, and downlink is to OE3XBS via
OE6XWR. SV increments SSID for each outgoing link.
Number of RX/TX bytes and frames is clear from example.
S59U is connected to S55YKO and has downlink to S55YUH-2 via
one digi.
S53MV-3 is in command mode.
gives a list of known neighbour SuperVozelj nodes.
X [number] gives you posibillity to change connect protocol.
0 = AX.25V2 in/out (normal protocol)
1 = AX.25V2 in/V1 out (without RR Poll)
2 = V1 in (without RR Poll)/AX.25V2 out
3 = V1 in/out (without RR Poll)
Connection between two SuperVozlej nodes is always V1/V1 (3).
gives parameters for this SuperVozelj node.
TXglava (1) 20 20 10 20 12 15
TXDELAY in miliseconds
TXrep (2) 3 3 2 8 5 5
TXTAIL in miliseconds
T1 cas (3) 1000 1000 1500 1700 1000 1500
FRACK in miliseconds
T2 cas (4) 100 100 180 200 100 150
RESPTIME in miliseconds
Tecnoba (5) 16384 16384 65530 32768 16384 16384
P-peristance in 1/65536 parts, slottime=TXDELAY
Maxframe(6) 6 6 6 4 6 6
Minframe(7) 3 3 3 1 1 1
IPdolg (8) 0 400 0 0 0 0
High limit between I + poll and RR + poll
RX 64 kb 740 324 282 5 0 6
TX 64 kb 375 421 431 105 33 128
This commands quits link with SuperVozelj.
gives statistics for this SuperVozelj node.
*** Statistika po kanalih : 3 minut
SuperVozelj is 3 minutes active.
Kanal 1 2 3 4 5 6
RX okvirji 0 0 2 7 0 0
Received frames.
RX digipit. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Received frames, which are digipited.
Sprejeti 0 0 2 7 0 0
RX'ed frames for QSO without digipited.
RX RNR 0 0 0 0 0 0
RX REJ 0 0 0 0 0 0
RX overrun 0 0 0 0 0 0
TX paketi 1 1 2 6 1 1
Transmited packets.
TX kuza DCD 1 1 0 0 1 1
DCD watchdog.
TX kuza T1 1 1 0 0 1 1
TX watchdog.
TX okvirji 1 1 12 14 1 1
Transmited frames.
TX digipit. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transmited frames, which are digipited.
TX ne oddal 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unsedned frames.
TX RNR 0 0 0 0 0 0
TX REJ 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ponovil L2 0 0 2 0 0 0
Most texts are in Slovene language. There are request to use some
"more common" language, and some efforts are given to translation to
the Mandarin Chinese, which is most widely spoken language on earth.
Here is translation of some messages and reports given by SV node:
*** Klice IDRIJA-1 S52D-1 na kanalu 1 ***
*** Povezava vzpostavljena na kanalu 1 ***
*** Zivijo de SuperVozelj IDRIJA:S55YID ***
*** Calling IDRIJA-1 with MYCALL S52D-1 on port 1
*** Link established on port 1
*** Hi de SV node IDRIJA:S55YID
*** Klice BLABLA-1 S52D-2 na vseh kanalih ***
means: S52D-2 is calling BLABLA-1 on all ports
*** Klicanje prekinjeno !!! ***
means: calling interrupted
*** Zveza podrta !!! ***
means: link disconnected
There is quite a lot of work on this project, and there will be
changes in the future. Major changes will be reported to ALL @AAP, and
the full project will be published in HAM literature when it is finished.
(As is allways the case with S53MV projects).
Sysop commands are provided to tune most of the parameters (In fact,
everything can be changed by writing directly to the memory...), monitor
performances, binary upload (#BIN# protocol) texts and code etc.
Best 73, have fun.
GL de Iztok S52D, S53FK, WU2D, OK8ANP @ S50BOX.SVN.EU