Some amateur radio data about Maki S54M :
First detector built in public school cca 1962. Because of lack of commercial diode, used a gillette with needle.
Club operator licence in 1964 at YU2CAL in Cakovec
First amateur radio QSO on 16.08.1964 with OK1PY on 3.5 MHz CW. RIG: BC614, RL12P35, 20 W, ANT VS1AA long wire.
Personal operator licence 1965 as YU2RDU.
First 144 MHz sporadic-E QSO in May VHF contest 1965 in AM with GW4CVX. Fall in love with VHF.
1966 moved to Varazdin to high school, active in club YU2HDE on HF SSB. Rig: EICO trcv 100 W.
1968 moved to college in Zagreb, active in YU2CTF, club of Electrotechnical Faculty, mostly on VHF AM. RIG: Contest-25
1971 first ARDF experience in Ludbreg at YU2EZA.
1973 serving to the people in Beograd at club YU1AAS, and in Skopje at club YU5HUV. In October EU-UHF contest first YU-
OK on 432 MHz for YU2CAL.
1974 moved back to Varazdin, very active at YU2CBE via Oscar-10 with homebrew transverter for 432 MHz. Many Oscar first
1977 moved to Ljutomer, very active on VHF/UHF as YU2RDU/3. Changed call to YU2HI, then to YU3HI.
1978 first time representing SRJ at IARU Reg.1 conference in Miskolc. Since then, was on 5 Reg.1 conferences.
1979 first 432 MHz YU-SP9FG.
1981 first 10 GHz QSO with OE6AP.
1982 got ZX-81 with 1 kB RAM. Fall in love with computers in amateur radio.
1983 changed to ATARI-400 with 16 kB RAM and cassette recorder as mass storage.
1984 10 GHz QSO with YU3JN from Triglav, 208 km over pure land. Hope record is still standing!
1985 wrote program and built interface for automatic ROBOT operation. Some 300+ QSO's, on HF/VHF.
1986 changed call to YU3ZM.
1988 got first TNC, started packet radio BBS on ATARI-ST.
1990 pass exams, got also call WB5PTJ.
1992 changed call to S54ZM, got also 9A4ZM.
1993 started again serious ARDF (with my 100 kg!).
1994 changed call to S54M
1995 best ARDF oldtimer in Slovenia and Croatia
1996 got Internet password. The doors are now open...
Zvonimir MAKOVEC