S52D home page

Hi there !

My name is Iztok, and I am S5 packet manager. Generally, that means that I talk a lot, while others are doing. So far, it works.

As a young boy back in 1972 my friend persuaded me not to abadon CW course in radioclub, so in 1973 I started on HF YU3APR club stn. Full HF privileges on 1974, own call YU3TEW (good old TS-120 with wires) in 1975, DXCC in 1976, QRO (SB-220 and HF Quad) in 1977, YU3FK since 1978, member of YU3APR and YU3EY contest teams around 1980, ZX-81 in 1981, got mad on micros and dissapeared from HF.

In 1986 LA boys on ARDF championship in Bosnia told us abt packet, we got 10 pieces of KPC-2 and first BBS around was YU3FK in 1986. My two hobbies merged: I am back on the air !

In almoust 10 years of BBSing I changed SW from MBL to DieBOX, modified heavily DieBOX (some 30% of code), and started BAYBOX after I lost interest on BBS SW maintenance. Call of BBS changed from YU3FK to YT3A and S50BOX, QTH is now at radioclub.

As S5 network grow, I spend quite some time optimizing it: from calculating NET/ROM parameters to making SuperVozelj node friendlier.

I spend some time as software engineer. When I saw Windows 3.1, I got shocked, felt old (God said screen is 24 lines by 80 characters! ) and changed between hobby and profession: today I work for Cellular operator in Slovenia and do programs for my own fun. Motorola assembly language is preferred over Visual Basic - and Linux is better as any Microsoft QRM.

My hobby is changing CALLS: YU3FK, S53FK, S52D, WU2D, OK8ANP...
Seeking for advices for some more 2D calls...

Hm... Just now my fourth sun cycle is starting... So maybe I will be back on HF soon ?

                   73, CUL de
You can send me e-mail to s52d@ljutcp.hamradio.si.
Last modified: 5. November, 1995