ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

CQ ZRS : CQ ZRS 5/94 - October 1994
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CQ ZRS 5/94 October 1994

  • Oldtimers and history of ZRS
  • Info ZRS/IARU
  • Operator techniques and DX information
  • SW activity
  • VHF activity
  • Techniques and Construction:
         Double eight antenna for 1.2 GHz
  • ATV
         ATV hybrid amplifier for 1.2 GHz
         S50ATV file server BBS
         OE - ATV meeting Linz 1994
  • Satellites
  • Radioamateur Diplomas
  • HAM Adds

  • Photo on the cover shows S59DAN (Radioclub Nova Gorica) contest location at JN65UU, 643m asl. They have two towers, the lower one with TH3MK3 on it, and the higher one, 27m tall tower with Tonna for 144MHz, Tonna for 50MHz and LOG PERIODIC for 7 to 30MHz.
                 Design by Bajko (c)2002