ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

CQ ZRS : CQ ZRS 5/00 - October 2000
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CQ ZRS 5/00 October 2000

Click on the PDF icon to get whole CQ ZRS 5/00 (October 2000) in PDF format (cca. 3,7MB). Click on other selections to get separate articles in PDF format.
Click on image for bigger picture.

Contents: (112 KB)

  • Info ZRS/IARU (412 KB)
    Oldtimers meeting
    PHARE 2000 and S5 PR
    other info...
  • HF activity (835 KB)
    HF ZRS championship rules (172 KB)
  • VHF activity (543 KB)
  • ARG - Fox Hunting (113 KB)
  • Techniques and Construction: (1115 KB)
    Megabit TNC for Packet Radio - changes (617 KB)
    UPS at MRZ:S55YZA (209 KB)
    Two simple HF receivers (294 KB)
  • Amateur TeleVision (230 KB)
  • Satellites (224 KB)
  • Radioamateur diplomas (224 KB)
  • HAM Adds (19 KB)

  • Photo on the cover shows 16th OldTimers meeting in Rogaska Slatina on september 16, 2000.
                 Design by Bajko (c)2002