ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

CQ ZRS : CQ ZRS 4/99 - August 1999
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CQ ZRS 4/99 August 1999

Click on the PDF icon to get whole CQ ZRS 4/99 (August 1999) in PDF format (cca. 7,8MB). Click on other selections to get separate articles in PDF format.
Click on image for bigger picture.

Contents: (592 KB)

  • S5 team in Friedrichshafen (484 KB)
  • Info ZRS/IARU (1329 KB)
    15th. oldtimers meeting
    Meeting of exec. board of ZRS
    IARU Region 1 medals and certificates
    other info...
  • HF activity (1109 KB)
  • VHF activity (854 KB)
  • ARG - Fox Hunting (573 KB)
  • Techniques and Construction:
    30m QRP RTX - 3rd part (137 KB)
    Meteosat receiver (958 KB)
  • Amateur TeleVision
    Info... (534 KB)
  • Satellites nad Radioamateur diplomas (379 KB)
  • HAM Adds (895 KB)

  • Photos on the cover shows S5 and SCC team in HAM RADIO '99 in Friedrichshafen.
                 Design by Bajko (c)2002