ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

CQ ZRS : CQ ZRS 1/96 - February 1996
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CQ ZRS 1/96 February 1996

  • EMC
  • Info ZRS/IARU
  • SW activity
  • VHF activity
  • Packet radio news
        S5 PR network 1996
  • Techniques and Construction:
        Snow resistant 13cm/23cm radome
        Wire antenna in winter
        Quick NiCd/NiMH baterry charger
  • ATV:
        CGEN-6 colour video generator
  • Satellites
  • Radioamateur Diplomas
  • HAM Adds

  • Photos on the cover shows Frane Bogataj, S59AA and the antenna system at his home location (Ljubljana, JN76FB). There is an antenna system with KT34-XA, 2-element yagi for 40m and tribander. There is also antenna for PR on smaller tower. Shack is equiped with Kenwood TS-850SAT, Hi-Power home made linear amplifier, voice keyer, PC, etc...
                 Design by Bajko (c)2002