arkzin's DTP & Graphic Design Dept. are:

Graphix design & treatments: Illustrators: Photographers:
RuTta D.D. Karo Ivana Vucic
Dejan Krsic D.J. Boyo Marija Milin
Nedjeljko Spoljar Veljko 3.0 Barbara Blasin
Grga Silver Surfer Lula
Keith Holmes
    Ratko Mavar

Equipment of the Arkzin DTP Studio

  • Macintosh Quadra 650
  • Power Macintosh 7100/80
  • Power Macintosh 8500/120
  • Macintosh 17" monitors
  • Power Macintosh 14" monitor
  • Umax V8 Scanner
  • HP LaserJet 4
  • Iomega Zip Drive